... on "Wanker E-mail of the Week #1"

It's time to start posting some examples. I don't know if I can effectively communicate the stupidity of some of the E-mails I get. You need to see it to believe it.

(90% of the E-mail I get does not fall under this. However it's the 10% of E-mail I get with no thoughtfulness whatsoever that gets to me).

This is an E-mail exchange I had this week. Basically, I don't know about you, but if I'm looking for something I thought I saw on someone's website a while back, I go to that website to see if it's there.

This one's from Matthew F. Short.

SUBJECT: Hello, quick question :: I was a fan of your previous site, thinhline, and one Guest Comic that killed me was "My Story" by "Me", about the little black boy and his family life. I lost the verison I downloaded a long time ago, and was wondering if you still had it backed up somewhere. Thanks for your help, Matthew

My first question was, if you were wondering if I still have it, did you actually look at the site to see if it was there (it is), or did you just pop off an E-mail to make me do your search work for you?

Mr response:

Uh, why didn't you just check the site?

His response:

Sorry :) I just figured it wouldn't be on there... hehe

I found it

Thanks for you time, effort, and complete lack of sarcasm (now with sarcasm).

My thought was, "He didn't even bother to check the site first." I mean, what kind of person E-mails the owner of a site to do a search that he can't even be bothered to do? A lazy, stupid person.

And this is what I was talking about earlier... people not thinking or using their head before zipping off an E-mail. Now if he tried and couldn't find it, that's one thing -- but he didn't even try. He thought it was more acceptable to E-mail me and have me do his dirty work.


So here are some more E-mail tips:

When E-mailing a person about his site, have you:

  1. read the FAQ (for the love of God, PLEASE do)
  2. done a fair job of looking through the site for the information you wanted before giving up
  3. used Google (I don't know HOW many E-mails I've gotten that could have been answered with a two word search in Google, with the page they want RIGHT THERE ON THE FUCKING TOP)

Anyways Matt, congratulations on being an offical Wanker E-Mail Writer.


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