Sunday, 29. December 2002

... on what's coming up in 2003

It's nearing the end of 2002 and I'd just like to wish an extended Happy New Year, glad we all made it (almost) to the new year.

What's coming up in Sexy Losers?

Hopefully more of the same. I've been taking advantage of the holidays to get as many strips as I can done. Tomorrow will have yet another update, a Kenta's Horny Mom strip. I noticed that 20 strips had passed since the last strip -- it really is about time I did another one. This one will feature LESBIAN SEX. Yay!

What I plan is to wrap up some loose storylines in the Sexy Losers universe, including the Natsumi-Mrs. Shibata-Kenta triangle, and the Tomoe-Shiunji-Ishida triangle. Also, two characters will die (permanently--no zombies or Shiunji dead playmates) in 2003. I have too many characters and it's time to start weeding them out.

A Hentai Made of Glass will begin a new storyline involving Jon's attempts at getting back together with Cheryl. This is a storyline in the planning a couple years back but never got around to. The survey said people wanted more Glass Hentai strips, and you shall receive.

Chie Sakamachi will get more focus in 2003. In the survey, she was the second most requested strip (behind "Horny Mom).

Kevin Lee will become a floater character like Lovetalk and Shiunji. I can't do gay humour like I want to do.

Anyways, I hope you stick around in 2003, and I hope I can deliver even more chuckles and hard-ons. Happy New Year everyone!


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