Sunday, 8. December 2002

...on the Survey [notes #1]

I've gotten a few results in already, and I have to say thanks for your responses. The new questions -- "More of" and "Less of" are probably the most helpful to me. It's surprising to see support for threads I rarely do because I think people would rather see a Mike or a Kenta strip.

Some notes however:

  1. Choose only one. If there are two chosen, I will "stamp" your response to that question as "spoiled" and not use it. It's annoying to keep track of "half" or "third" votes.

  2. Dr. Lovetalk is not a thread. The choices are listed, and she ain't in those questions. Dr. Lovetalk is a "floater" character, who interacts in all of the threads. Shiunji and the Dutch Wife Fairy are also sometimes floater characters -- Shiunji will turn up wherever death lies. I try not to cross over the characters at all because it wreaks havok on the individual storylines being individual storylines. Putting "Dr. Lovetalk" as a thread will only get that the "SPOILED" stamp.

  3. Please don't send me ideas for strips. I have not encountered any ideas I would ever use. I have a definite "vision" of Sexy Losers and the ideas of others rarely, if ever, fit into that vision. Thanks anyways.

  4. I didn't put "Scientific Erotican" in as a thread because so far, it's only one strip. I do have more planned, but I figured it wasn't usable in any of the thread questions yet. However, one person voted for it, so what the hell.

If you don't know about the survey, the details are below.


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