Tuesday, 26. November 2002

... on being baited

If you're wondering where the next strip is, you'll have to wait a few days. I managed to catch a cold which knocked me down for a few days. Colds suck.

Anyways, I think one of the reasons I have so many "enemies" is that I receive just tonnes of E-mail, most of it almost BEGGING for some kind of mean spirited remark. I feel like I'm constantly being baited by fan mail.

One of the things that baits me the most are people giving suggestions for the comic. 100% of them are useless. This is one of the main reasons it says on my FAQ not to send ideas, is that it's too much for me. I can't deny myself writing a mail back telling them how stupid their idea was. I can't control myself.

For example, some guy gave me these two "great" ideas.

Necrophilia means never having to say good-bye to those you love

All you readers have my permission to hunt me down like a rabid dog if I ever use a punchline that old and obvious.

I would love to see what the two foul mouthed friends have to say about Mrs. Shibata and her son ;)

Oh fuck. I can't even begin here. I don't know why people would even think this is funny or even how it would make an amusing comic strip. Hasn't anyone noticed that I don't cross threads very often???

This is just a sample of the ideas I get. A full 50% of the ideas revolve around Kenta having sex with his mom, which I guarantee you will never see.

Yeah, that's right. I get E-mails saying "I have a great idea for you, you should have Kenta fuck his mom." Sometimes I get a variation and Natsumi is involved. And when I get a message like that, I shake my head, and instead of pressing the delete button, I write a reply telling them exactly what I think of their ideas.

Well, no more. From this moment on, the next time i get E-mail with a retarded idea in it, I WILL DELETE IT AND FORGET IT. I PROMISE. THIS IS MY WRITTEN CONTRACT.

Anyways, hopefully a new strip soon, and next month is the 5th anniversary of A Heart Made of Glass. If you haven't read my first ever online comic, well, now's a good time since there's no new strip. It's at the end of this link.


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